Send Planete Indie your mp3 files for airplay consideration

Please use this tool only to submit your mp3 files.
Click on the right folder (depending on the style of your music). A new page will open (make sure that your browser does not block pop ups). Fill in the fields with your name & your email address (you may also include a phone number and an accompanying message if you wish), then choose one of these two options :

- "batch" upload : click on "add", and then select the file(s) you want to submit. You can select several files at the same time. Click on "open". If you want to unselect a file, highlight it and click on "remove". When you are ready, click on "upload".

- "basic" upload : click on the "browse" button at the end of each line and select one file. You may only select one file per line. Same procedure for a second file, a third one, ... When you are ready, click on the "upload" button at the bottom.

Please send a maximum of 3 files, so that there remains space on the server for others, and if possible include also a short bio. Thank you for your understanding !
That's it !

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(c) 1997 - present time : Pierre Gerard
All elements on these pages are copyrighted.
Any unauthorized reproduction of the content of this site is prohibited by law.